In situ strippen/persluchtinjectie, literatuur
- Akker, E. van de , Weytingh, K., Velde, A. van der, Sterren, G. van der, (2000); ‘Imbibitie en drainage, fase 2: perslucht’, CUR Nobis 95-2-02
- Angell, Keith G., Bass, David H., e.a., (1992). The National Environmental Journal, januay/february, 20-23
- Bakker, J., Hinsenveld, M., "Mogelijke toepassing van hydraulic fracturing bij in situ saneringen", (1997), Cur Nobis 96-910
- Brown, R.A., (1992), paper gepresenteerd op Eco world ’92 conference & exhibition. Washington, D.C., june 14 -17
- Brown, R.A., Jasiulweicz, F., (1992). Pollution Engineering, july
- Dey, J.C., Brown, R.A., McFarland, W.E., (1991). HMC march/april, 32-39
- DHV (1993). Handboek Bodemsaneringstechnieken, onderdeel in situ herstel (civiel-technische aspecten). Dossiernummer G 1437-71- 005
- EPA, (1995), ‘Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Enhancement Technology Resource Guide: Air Sparging, Bioventing, Fracturing, Thermal Enhancements, EPA 542/B/95/003
- EPA (2004), In situ thermal treatment of chlorinated solvents, Fundamentals and field applications, EPA 542-R-04-010, maart 2004
- ESTCP, (2001), Use of Cometabolic Air Sparging to Remediate Chloroethene-Contaminated Groundwater Aquifers, CU 9810. US dept of Defense Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
- Herrling, B., Buermann, and J. Stamm, (1991). Hydraulic Circulation System for In Situ Bioreclamation and/or In Situ Remediation of Strippable Contamination. In: Hinchee, R.E., Olfenbuttel, R.F., (eds.), In Situ Bioreclamation, Applications and Investigations for Hydrocarbon and Contaminated Site Remediation, 173-195. Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston
- Johnson, R.L., Johnson, P.C., e.a., (1993). An overview of in situ air sparging, Ground water monitoring review, herfstnummer, 127-135
- Johnson, P.C., Johnson, R.L., and Kemblowski, M.W.,(1995). Diagnostic tools for the monitoring and optimization of in situ air sparging systems. API Proposal 1-17.
- Ji, Wei, Dahmani, Amine, e.a., (1993). Laboratory study of air sparging: air flow visualisation, Ground water monitoring review, herfstnummer, 115-126 Loden, M.E., (1992). A technology assessment of soil vapor extraction and air sparging, EPA/600/R-92/173
- Kok, A.G. et all., (1999); Heterogene Extensieve In situ Sanering (HEISA), CUR Nobis 95-1-05
- Loden, M.E., (1992). A technology assessment of soil vapor extraction and air sparging, EPA/600/R-92/173
- Marnette, E.C.L. et all., (2003), LINER® – gasinjectie:Eindresultaat full-scale sanering, SKB SV702
- Pedersen, T.A., Curtis, J.T., (1991). Soil vapor extraction Technology, reference handbook, EPA/540/2-91/003
- Pijls, C.G.J.M., et al, (1993). Persluchtinjectie alternatief voor in situ biologische bodemreiniging, Proces Technologie
- Pijls, C.G.J.M, Keijzer, Th.J.S., Marnette, E.C.L., Suman, M., Volkering, F, van Zutphen, M. (2006). In situ Bodemsanering, Theorie en praktijk, IBSN -10 90-76098-06-9
- Praamstra et all., (1998), ‘Biologisch hekwerk op het terrein van Shell Nederland Raffinaderij’, CUR Nobis 96-1-03
Over de toepassing van stoom gestimuleerde extractie is met name in de VS veel gepubliceerd. In Europa zijn slechts enkele publicaties verschenen. De meest informatieve publicaties zijn onderstaand weergegeven:
- Eva L. Davis, ‘Steam Injection for Soil and Aquifer Remediation’, EPA/540/S-97/505
- Eva L. Davis, ‘How Heat Can Enhance In-situ Soil and Aquifer Remediation: Important Chemical Properties and Guidance on Choosing the Appropriate Technique’, EPA/540/S-97/502
- Newmark R.L., Aines R.D., ‘They All Like It Hot: Faster Cleanup of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater’, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Science & Technology Review, May 1998
- Cost and Performance Analysis for Thermal Enhancements at Selected Sites, U.S. Air Force Center For Environmental Excellence, October 2005