Richtlijn herstel en beheer (water)bodemkwaliteit

In situ strippen/persluchtinjectie, literatuur

  1. Akker, E. van de , Weytingh, K., Velde, A. van der, Sterren, G. van der, (2000); ‘Imbibitie en drainage, fase 2: perslucht’, CUR Nobis 95-2-02
  2. Angell, Keith G., Bass, David H., e.a., (1992). The National Environmental Journal, januay/february, 20-23
  3. Bakker, J., Hinsenveld, M., "Mogelijke toepassing van hydraulic fracturing bij in situ saneringen", (1997), Cur Nobis 96-910
  4. Brown, R.A., (1992), paper gepresenteerd op Eco world ’92 conference & exhibition. Washington, D.C., june 14 -17
  5. Brown, R.A., Jasiulweicz, F., (1992). Pollution Engineering, july
  6. Dey, J.C., Brown, R.A., McFarland, W.E., (1991). HMC march/april, 32-39
  7. DHV (1993). Handboek Bodemsaneringstechnieken, onderdeel in situ herstel (civiel-technische aspecten). Dossiernummer G 1437-71- 005
  8. EPA, (1995), ‘Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Enhancement Technology Resource Guide: Air Sparging, Bioventing, Fracturing, Thermal Enhancements, EPA 542/B/95/003
  9. EPA (2004), In situ thermal treatment of chlorinated solvents, Fundamentals and field applications, EPA 542-R-04-010, maart 2004
  10. ESTCP, (2001), Use of Cometabolic Air Sparging to Remediate Chloroethene-Contaminated Groundwater Aquifers, CU 9810. US dept of Defense Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
  11. Herrling, B., Buermann, and J. Stamm, (1991). Hydraulic Circulation System for In Situ Bioreclamation and/or In Situ Remediation of Strippable Contamination. In: Hinchee, R.E., Olfenbuttel, R.F., (eds.), In Situ Bioreclamation, Applications and Investigations for Hydrocarbon and Contaminated Site Remediation, 173-195. Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston
  12. Johnson, R.L., Johnson, P.C., e.a., (1993). An overview of in situ air sparging, Ground water monitoring review, herfstnummer, 127-135
  13. Johnson, P.C., Johnson, R.L., and Kemblowski, M.W.,(1995). Diagnostic tools for the monitoring and optimization of in situ air sparging systems. API Proposal 1-17.
  14. Ji, Wei, Dahmani, Amine, e.a., (1993). Laboratory study of air sparging: air flow visualisation, Ground water monitoring review, herfstnummer, 115-126 Loden, M.E., (1992). A technology assessment of soil vapor extraction and air sparging, EPA/600/R-92/173
  15. Kok, A.G. et all., (1999); Heterogene Extensieve In situ Sanering (HEISA), CUR Nobis 95-1-05
  16. Loden, M.E., (1992). A technology assessment of soil vapor extraction and air sparging, EPA/600/R-92/173
  17. Marnette, E.C.L. et all., (2003), externe linkLINER® – gasinjectie:Eindresultaat full-scale sanering, SKB SV702
  18. Pedersen, T.A., Curtis, J.T., (1991). Soil vapor extraction Technology, reference handbook, EPA/540/2-91/003
  19. Pijls, C.G.J.M., et al, (1993). Persluchtinjectie alternatief voor in situ biologische bodemreiniging, Proces Technologie
  20. Pijls, C.G.J.M, Keijzer, Th.J.S., Marnette, E.C.L., Suman, M., Volkering, F, van Zutphen, M. (2006). In situ Bodemsanering, Theorie en praktijk, IBSN -10 90-76098-06-9
  21. Praamstra et all., (1998), ‘Biologisch hekwerk op het terrein van Shell Nederland Raffinaderij’, CUR Nobis 96-1-03

Over de toepassing van stoom gestimuleerde extractie is met name in de VS veel gepubliceerd. In Europa zijn slechts enkele publicaties verschenen. De meest informatieve publicaties zijn onderstaand weergegeven:

  1. Eva L. Davis, ‘Steam Injection for Soil and Aquifer Remediation’, EPA/540/S-97/505
  2. Eva L. Davis, ‘How Heat Can Enhance In-situ Soil and Aquifer Remediation: Important Chemical Properties and Guidance on Choosing the Appropriate Technique’, EPA/540/S-97/502
  3. Newmark R.L., Aines R.D., ‘They All Like It Hot: Faster Cleanup of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater’, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Science & Technology Review, May 1998
  4. Cost and Performance Analysis for Thermal Enhancements at Selected Sites, U.S. Air Force Center For Environmental Excellence, October 2005