Reactieve schermen, literatuur
EPA rapport EPA/600/R-98/125 September 1998, Permeable reactive barrier technologies for contaminant remediation.
Tauw, C.G.J.M. Pijls et al. 2006, In-situ bodemsanering, theorie en praktijk.
ITRC (Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council). 2005. Permeable Reactive Barriers: Lessons Learned/New Directions. PRB-4. Washington, D.C.: Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council, Permeable Reactive Barriers Team. Available on the Internet at
Jacqueline Quinn, NASA (321-867-8410 or and Thomas Krug, GeoSyntec Consultants, Inc. (519-822-2230 or Monitoring Shows Enhanced Abiotic Degradation of TCE DNAPL Resulting from Emulsified ZVI Injection, Technology News and Trends, Issue 20 September 2005. A newsletter about soil, sediment, and ground-water characterization and remediation technologies (EPA).
German Handbook and Guidance on PRBs (Permeable Reactive Barriers),