Grondwaterzuivering, ionenwisseling, literatuurverwijzingen
- Joziasse J. en Wiering A.C.F. (1990). Monografiën informatiesysteem technieken. RIVM rapport 736101008.
- Woelders, J.A., Urlings, L.G.C.M. en Pijl, P.P. van der (1989). In- situ remedial action of cadmium-polluted soil by ion exchange. In: Ion exchange for industry, Michael Straet (ed.), Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester, pp. 169-179.
- Urlings, L.G.C.M. (1990). In situ cadmium removal. In: procedings of the international symposium on hazardous waste treatment, treatment of contaminated soils.
- Hickey, Thomas A. en Stevens, David K. (1990). Recovery of metals from water using ion exchange, in: second forum on innovative hazardous waste treatment technologies, domestic and international, EPA/540/2-90/010, pp.411-428.